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Travels With Samantha
    "A brand-new forest green Dodge Grand Caravan" Phillip Greenspun explains, "doesn't make much of a fashion statement, but it will hold seven cameras, a filing cabinet, Rollerblades, a mountain bike, clothing for four seasons, fifty books, hundreds of books and lectures on tape, and camping gear for two." Despite enough equipment for two, Greenspun was actually heading out on a journey alone across North America, his Powerbook "Samantha" his only companion. The trip is exquisitely documented through words and stunning photographs. From Jewish Bikers in North Dakota to a dog trainer in Alaska, Greenspun chronicles his days and the people he meets with sensitivity and candor. No matter their disparity in world views or backgrounds, Greenspun treats individual he encounters with an open mind and unflagging respect. The entire book has been up on the web since 1993 or 1994, making it a very old site in the dog years of web history, but it remains as fresh and moving as it was when it first appeared -- and I'm sure that will remain true for some time to come. --SMP

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