Elizabeth Tarpley Adams has been granted the exalted status of PhD in Folklore and Mythology at UCLA. While she has done a few important things in her life, she'd prefer not to reveal them to the world at large.
Clayton Davis is the president of the Baltimore-Washington Chapter of the National Writers Association. He has been published in Cappers, Plane & Pilot, Maryland Magazine and more than a dozen others. We also hear he's a darn good pilot.
Lisa Gabbert is an Assistant Professor in English at Utah State University. Her interests are in material culture and narrative in the Rocky Mountain West.
William Elmore Gann started out as a Navy photographer in Vietnam, eventually became a reporter and finally ended up as a teacher. These days you can also find him working on a collection of autobiographical short stories.
Robert Glenn Howard is an Assistant Professor of Communication Arts at the University of Wisconsin. He specializes in computer-aided composition pedagogy as well as contemporary religion and ethnic literatures.
Michael Owen Jones is Professor of History and Folklore at UCLA. He is the author of numerous books and essays including Craftsman of the Cumberlands (University Press of Kentucky, 1989), Putting Folklore to Use(University Press of Kentucky, 1994)and, co-authored with Robert A. Georges, Folkloristics: An Introduction (Indiana University Press, 1995).
Jack Lamb has traveled the Southwest since 1989 gathering poems, interviews, and researching the American cowboy's oral tradition. He edited Cowboy Love Poetry: Verse From the Heart of the West (Angel City Press, 1994). Lamb teaches composition at Santa Monica College in California and wrangles Apple computers for corporate ranch bosses in the L.A. basin.
Teresa K. Morrison studied creative writing at UCLA with Carolyn See. The waitressing thing in which she is now trapped is just a spy gig gone terribly wrong.
Camilla H. Mortensen has a M.A. in Folklore and Mythology from UCLA and a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, with a focus in Folklore from the University of Oregon. Her research projects tend to involve animals and body piercing, but not at the same time.
Sandra Mizumoto Posey holds a Ph.D. in Folklore from UCLA. She is the author of Rubber Soul: Rubber Stamps and Correspondence Art (University Press of Mississippi, 1996) and Cafe Nation: Coffee Folklore, Magick, & Divination (Santa Monica Press, 2000).
Joel Risberg is a writer whose work has appeared in HotWired, Wired, Lycos and others. He is the webmaster of James Taylor Online and Joe Hollywood.
Toni V. Sweeney has had her award-winning fiction and poetry appear in several publications. She makes her home in Nebraska, where I hear the fruitcake is mighty good.

American Folk is not accepting new submissions at this time.

American Folk is created and maintained by Sandra Mizumoto Posey. Deepest thanks to writers, patron saint Michael Owen Jones, and contributing staff member Joel Risberg.